Publications for single years
Fender, Andreas; Müller, Jörg
SpaceState : Ad-Hoc Definition and Recognition of Hierarchical Room States for Smart Environmen ...
ISS '19
New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery, 2019. - page 303-314
doi:10.1145/3343055.3359715 ...
Heloir, Alexis; Nunnari, Fabrizio; Bachynskyi, Myroslav
Ergonomics for the design of multimodal interfaces
The Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces. Vol 3. Language Processing, Software, Commercialization, and Emerging Direction
New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery, 2019. - page 263-304
doi:10.1145/3233795.3233804 ...
Georgiou, Orestis; Limerick, Hannah; Corenthy, Loic; Perry, Mark; Maksymenko, Mykola; Frish, Sam; Müller, Jörg; Bachynskyi, Myroslav; Kim, Jin Ryong
Mid-Air Haptic Interfaces for Interactive Digital Signage and Kiosks
CHI '19 : Extended abtracts
New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery, 2019. - page 1-9
doi:10.1145/3290607.3299030 ...
Schneider, Daniel; Otte, Alexander; Gesslein, Travis; Gagel, Philipp; Kuth, Bastian; Shahm Damlakhi, Mohamad; Dietz, Oliver; Ofek, Eyal; Pahud, Michel; Kristensson, Per Ola; Müller, Jörg; Grubert, Jens
Reconviguration : Reconfiguring physical keyboards in virtual reality
in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics volume 25 (2019) issue 11. - page 3190-3201
doi:10.1109/TVCG.2019.2932239 ...
18th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2019), Beijing, China
Limerick, Hannah; Hayden, Richard; Beattie, David; Georgiou, Orestis; Müller, Jörg
User engagement for mid-air haptic interactions with digital signage
Pervasive Displays 2019 : Proceedings
New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery, 2019. - page 1-7
doi:10.1145/3321335.3324944 ...